Thursday, December 13, 2007

Everything Means Something

I've been working on an epic best of 2007 post of late, so the apparent lack of posting will be made up for shortly.

In the mean time, i was listening to With Honor's " Heart Means Everything" on the Subway about a week ago and remembered how good this album really is and what it meant and still means to me.

Musically it's energetic, it's passionate, it's melodic. While the music is good, the lyrics are what made this record for me. Every single song has a purpose and a drive or direction to it that really embraces you if you take the time to get to know the words. It's not just meaningless positivity, it's positivity with some weight behind it. There's no wishing, no wanting, no needing. "We will see heights we never thought we'd reach." Hope isn't even in doubt.

I think that's what strikes me about this record the most. How there's just an innate feeling of positivity, and there's so much conviction behind it, it's hard not to be inspired. I remember a couple of years ago finally get a chance to see this band live, i lost it to every song without hesitation. I remember Todd grabbing me and throwing the mic in my face, yelling the lyrics just as hard right back at me, that was pretty cool. Very few bands have something profound about them. Something deeper, you can't quite single it out but you know there's something unique, almost a presence about their music that permeates anyone but the most cynical listening.

I could post every song on this record, they all mean something different but are equally important, here is one of my favorites.

Perfect Stance
Hollowed OUT, empty, we’ve watched months erase the memories of years, It’s not tradition, not meaningless ideals, it’s a fire, FIRE, that draws us near. So come close, let your eyes meet mine, Try hard to deny this burning inside, Grab hold to status quo to justify, Keep telling yourself there’s nothing more to life. But there’s so much more than killing, than preying on insecurity, then getting what you want no matter who’s at cost… WAKE UP realize your virtue is dead. YOUR LIFE conviction for vanity. But we’ll take this stage, never forgetting the days when heart meant everything. We will take the stage, holding onto the days, when heart meant everything! This time is soon to end, and all your clothes and cliques will go with it, when the dust clears we’ll see that love still stands. The love that has no shame, no fronts, no fruitless games… the love that lays life down for a friend. YOUR TIME IS UP.

Friday, November 23, 2007

In The Dark

I have no Internet so i biked to school in -10 weather for the sole purpose of posting this. Not really. It's disturbing to think how much i rely on the Internet now that the cable company decided that me paying them $30 per month isn't really worth it.

I think in a lot of ways we've become more connected with the outside world with the Internet, in other ways it's so much easier to disconnect and be anti-social, something I'm good at.

In other news, i get to see TFS on the 8th, with Risky Business, it should be fun, in all likely hood the mosh will be brought in large quantities. The last time i saw TFS there was no stage so I'm really looking forward to taking the leap of faith a time or two.

Also, I've said this before but Lights Outs "Overload" rules, it gets better every time i listen to it.... So does each and every Our Turn song.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why Is She In Pain?

Battery - Why Is She In Pain?

she wants to be beautiful for our beauty-starved eyes. she's dying, she's dying, she's dying but we never seem to mind. her cry is in her toothpick legs and attention-hungry smile, and as it goes on, the transfer occurs from magazine to child

but the only thing these beauty magazines leave is low self-esteem the only thing they leave is a low self-esteem

we're brainwashed to think that thin is pretty, but if beauty is love, why is she in pain? I'm guilty, I'm guilty, I'm guilty. it's time we placed the blame, let's also blame the media, and face the fact that this is insane, and spit in the face of their so-called beauty and make a change

we have got to open our eyes if we want to make a change we have got to open our eyes if we want to make a change

because there are sick and starving girls throwing up after they eat so they can look thin and pretty for the people the meet. and the thing that scared me the most is there are people that i hold close that are dying and i never even noticed

This song is one of the best hardcore/punk songs written in the 90's. At least in my opinion, i was listening to fatwreck bands and early tooth and nail stuff in the 90's so i don't relate much to hardcore from the 90's. Outside of youth crew stuff I'm impartial.

Anyway, back to this song. The reason i think it's so important is because it tackles an issue that so few hardcore or punk bands are willing to deal with. I think it's awesome when bands tackle issues that are specific to girls and are passionate about what they're singing. There are so many bands that just sing about whatever comes to mind or whatever is relevant at the time, scene politics and a bunch of other garbage. Then there are bands that have a social heartbeat, they can see the world outside of hardcore and they have meaningful things to say about what they're seeing. Battery was definitely one of those bands.

"Why Is She In Pain" is probably my favorite Battery song off of my favorite Battery record, musically its incredible and lyrically not much can match it. Even i can relate to what's being said because I've seen and know girls who have fallen victim to this unrealistic perception of how they're supposed to look and behave. Maybe not to the extreme of throwing up after every meal or starving themselves, but you can see the weight of these expectations in their eyes and i couldn't imagine how much that would suck.

Battery is still a refreshing band to listen to. It feels like so many bands are writing about nothing and a lot are, but there has always been and will always be a handful of band playing hardcore music with something to say that everybody needs to hear.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Depths

I think I'm going to attempt to learn an In My Eyes song on guitar. I'm not really sure which one, I'll have to see which are doable and which ones I'll suck too hard at to even attempt. Any suggestions are welcome. I was thinking 'Take The Risk'. I really want to try and cover a song of their's with my brother over Christmas break.

I just finished writing the lyrics to a song, i only have the intro riff finished so i hope all the words will fit well. I can't wait to go buy some new string/picks my strings are two months old, I'd change them every week if i could. My picks are all really dull, due to my laziness and lack of disposable income these little novelties are more like luxuries. Anyway, i'll post the lyrics for the song i just did.

Into The Sea

I’ve tried to look life in the eye
So many times
I’m starting to wonder why
Why I even try

I take one glimpse and turn away
Too much pain
Too many neglected wounds

The bandages I made
Are soaking through
Visible to the outside world
And still I run
Staggering ‘till I fall flat on my face

You stand and laugh at me
I believed in who you wanted me to be
And now you have me right where you want me

So I close my eyes
I concentrate on the only truth I know inside
And I’m lookin’
I’m lookin’ right through my soul

At all the dream, the broken dreams
The hope that still survives
I’m clinging to the scraps
The remnants that are still alive
Waiting for you to resuscitate me
Resuscitate me

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Time Stands Still

The awesomeness that is winter is almost upon us. Bike rides in freezing, snowing weather are not going be fun. But it could be worse, it could be better. But it's not.

I tend to listen to more music in the winter, I think the urge to shut off the outside world becomes more tempting when the gray, brownish hue that permeates the outside is depressing just to look at. A couple records I've been tuning out to lately have been A Wilhelm Screams' latest effort "Career Suicide" and Avails "4 AM Friday".

A Wilhelm Scream is a band I've followed for a few years now. Their debut record (post Smakin' Isaiah) was really good. A take on 90's skate punk, sped up , angrier, with incredible musicianship throughout. In Between "Mute Print" and "Career Suicide" they released another full length titled "Ruiner", I couldn't get into it nearly as much as their previous effort so i was really looking forward to what "Career Suicide" would be about. So far i haven't been the least bit disappointed. Catchy riffs and gut wrenching vocals make it hard not to pay attention through the duration of this record. I don't really know what else to say, if you like 88 Fingers Louie, AWS remind of a hopped up 88FL. If you like punk in general check this out.

Staying with the punk theme, Avail are one of those bands you can't not like. Ultra-Sincere punk rock with some poppy, some hardcore undertones. This record is probably my favorite of their discography as of this point. This record and Face to Face's "Big Choice" kind of stand out as landmarks for 90's punk rock. When i listen to this record now, i can't believe how well written the songs are, there's a quality about this record as with Face to Face's that's timeless. Some records lose their appeal after time, some stay the same, but the records that you can't stop listening to, that get better with every listen. Those are the records that you'll want to listen to when your too old and def and temp oncoming brain aneurysms every time you feel like reliving your youth. And this record certainly qualifies as one of those.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Focus on the Light

I apologize for the major lack of posting lately. I haven't been motivated to do much, and when i am I'm focusing my energy on these really cool mid-terms i have the pleasure of doing every 6 months or so. As trivial as it sounds, when I'm done with this school business i'll feel like a really obese ugly looking gremlin has been removed from my shoulders. I guess that's what academia represents to me.....

There are a lot of things i would like to be able to do but can't because of the financial restrictions imposed by incredibly high tuition fees. Coupled with the fact that I'm living in the most expensive city in the country and the fact that I'm still dependent on family for financial support and I'm bound pretty tightly to my current situation. I really shouldn't be complaining though, a lot of people would do nearly anything to be in the situation I'm in. But I'm growing overly pessimistic and I'm frustrated... not a good combination

Enough with that, On to the main reason for this post. True Colors new(ish) LP "Focus on the Light"
I really can't stress how good this record is it has everything you want in a youth crew release. Tons of passion and energy, positive, concise and to the point lyrics, and a bunch of catchy sing a longs. Actually the entire record is catchy. Every Second. Most of the songs are clock in around the 90 second mark or less which works great for this band. They leave nothing to be desired after each song... only the anticipation of the next 90 second rampage.
I think what really grabs me about this record is the vocal delivery. I haven't had this much fun listening to a vocalist in a really long time. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that these guys remind me of the modern day equivalent of Youth of Today. There are a couple parts where it almost sounds like Cappo's overly disgruntled growl is being re-produced. Not nearly as fierce or chaotic but fun nonetheless.

As of this point this record is hands down my # 1 release of 2007. I've been listening to it constantly for the past 6 weeks or so and the more i listen the better it gets. In the title song there's a part where the vocalist really accentuates the words focus on the light... something like "focusss on the liiiggghhhttt" anyway if you have the record listen to that song, you'll know what I'm talking about. I have a hard time containing myself when i hear it.

There are plenty of well written songs on this record but i'll post what might be my favorite here:

The Way To Myself
standing on the edge, nowhere to go
trapped, there's no way out.. NO
my head is going to explode
but you reached out, gave me hold

I’ve got my music, I’ve got my friends
but you took me to places I never went
you keep me out of trouble
gave me back my life
for that I’m grateful
you keep me alive

you can say black, I can say white
you can go left, I can go right
you can think day, I can think night
no matter what, I stand by your side

never let you down
never let you down

I’ve got my music, I’ve got my friends
but you took me to places I never went
you keep me out of trouble
gave me back my life
for that I’m grateful
you keep me alive

you showed me the way to myself

Friday, October 12, 2007

Stanger Than Fiction....

I've really been slacking on updating this thing lately. I've been listening to True Colors so much I haven't had time to bother with anything else i guess. Next up is a major True Colors appreciation post.

A couple months ago my brother and i recorded a couple songs using a new mic he got, it hooks up to the computer so all you need is a really mediocre mixing program. One song was one i wrote and we also covered Insted's "Voice Your Opinion" which was a lot of fun. The recording quality really sucks so i haven't bothered to expose them to the interwebz relentless critique quite yet. I think we'll try and re do them when i go visit for Christmas break.

Anyway here are the lyrics for the song i wrote, it's a rager and i really like the way the lyrics go with it.

They're not taking this away
You give up and give in every single day
But there is one thing you've hidden away
Behind locked doors where your heart has to stay

How are we supposed to live
when all we ever do is give
we give our time
we give out lives
To live out a life that's based on lies

So is it any wonder
That so many want to numb the pain
And is it any wonder
That so many lives are lived in vain

I see you in the streets at night
I see you searching for that light
I see you open up locked doors
And i see you stolen
They took what was yours

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kiss It Goodbye....

Summer is officially over, although it hasn't felt like it. The last week or two we've had mid summer like weather, it's always nice when summer gives one last valiant effort before the cold sets in.

Over the summer i usually find myself listening to more upbeat, positive music. The summer season seems to have more of an impact on my musical tastes of the moment than even the winter when angry, dark sounding music accents the weather in this part of the world perfectly.

Anyway, here are the records that have been played most frequently this summer:

Face To Face - Big Choice

I really can't say enough about this record, in terms of punk music this has to be one of my favorite. It's incredibly catchy and still maintains a rawness and an authenticity that is rarely seen. My affection for skate punk coupled with my appreciation for good pop punk make this record essential for me.

The Swellers - My Everest

Here's another skate/pop punk record. It doesn't touch the Face To Face record. But, it's good in it's own right. This record sounds like a more pop sounding No Use For a Name when they were in their hay day. There are a couple of acoustic tracks on this record that I'm not very fond of but overall I'm glad stuff like this is still being released, even if it is a little smoother around the edges.

Dogwood - Building a Better Me

More Skate punk.....I listened to this way too often throughout high school. When i listen to it now it's mostly for nostalgic purposes, but every now and then I'm reminded why i loved this band so much. I would compare them to a rougher version of Alkaline Trio, at least on this record. The vocals are incredibly raw but manage to fit the music almost perfectly. Lyric wise, it's borderline cheesy at times but it's positive and uplifting more often than not, and the title song is really well written both musically and lyrically.

Youth Of Today - We're Not In This Alone

Do i really need to explain this? Cappo's vocals make me want to break things.... in a good way. Thats it.

Outlast - As Sure As I Live

This record is quickly becoming a classic in my library. I mentioned this band recently so i won't go into to much detail. The production on this record is really raw. It doesn't take anything away from the quality of the record though. Just awesome melodic hardcore punk with continuously eye watering bass riffs and squawking vocals.

Reserve 34 - Rain City Games

Outlast and Reserve 34 seem to go hand in hand with me, when I'm enjoying one band, a listening binge of the other is sure to follow. This record is just really upbeat melodic hardcore from Vancouver. It has a really distinctive sound, you can almost feel the impact of the city on this band. This is probably my favorite stuff Reserve 34 ever put out, if you've never listened to these guys, check it out.

Those records have been a staple for me this summer, I've listened to a lot of other stuff, I've enjoyed a lot of other stuff. Some of it I'm too lazy to put up and other stuff really didn't impact me than much.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Midnight In America

I got my pre-order for Modern Life Is Wars latest record "Midnight In America" the other day. Luckily I've had it in mp3 format for a little over a month now so I've been able to get a pretty good feel for most of the songs.

Initially i wasn't overly impressed, i felt it was good but nothing really stood out. In almost every aspect the band progressed or changed, whatever you want to call it. Nothing really drastic outside of maybe the vocal delivery, but for a hardcore punk band it was a daring enough effort. Gone are the pulsing, spine shivering build-ups and endings that were evident in the songs "By The Sea", "First and Ellen", and "Hair Raising Accounts of Restless Ghosts", songs I've played numerous times over. "Midnight In America" beats and pulses, the intensity is evident but it never explodes.

I was bothered by this at first but when i was able to put the album into perspective it really doesn't take anything away. This record is definitely more punk rock sounding than their previous efforts, musically but also vocally. Jeff seems to have added a little more attitude and taken away some intensity. This attitude sounds awesome 9 out of 10 times but there are times when it would have been suitable to just let loose.

Overall "Midnight In America" stands out from their previous releases, sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a not so good way. Modern Life Is War are still delivering unique punk music. And it's still better than most stuff being released today. I don't think they've ever released a bad song and songs like "Screaming At The Moon", "Big City Dream", "Pendulum", "These Mad Dogs of Glory", "Humble Streets", and the title track showcase Modern Life Is Wars consistent delivery.

You can't talk about a Modern Life Is War record without mentioning the lyrics. Lyrically this record is more literary.. i guess you can call it. Jeff is one of the best lyricists in punk music and reading the lyrics to songs on "Midnight In America" he shows he's just a good writer in general. The lyrics are a bit different i can't really pin point why, i think they just sound more "mature" for lack of a better word. That's all i can really say about this record now, I'm sure I'll have more to say when i let it grow on me some more.... ohh yeah Brooke Strausse's vocals on the last song are great, one of the highlights of the record.

Screaming At The Moon
It's a good life if you don't weaken, so I won't weaken. And I'm a kid with a history of confusion. The life that was pushed upon me was one I could never lead. Cause my candle burns at both ends. My problems never seem to end. Just like my footsteps in the vein of the American night. Just like the burning in my lungs. Just like the rocks in my guts. Just like I can't get enough. With persistence of my vision. With this bottle in my hand. I bless the thieves who stole my masks. I wander this land and through it all... I drag my chains, they don't drag me... through moments of pain. I drag my chains, they don't drag me... through moments of grace. I drag my chains, they don't drag me... through untamed thoughts. I drag my chains, they don't drag me. I walk right through. Cause my candle burns at both ends. My problems never seem to end. Just like my footsteps in the veins of the American night. Just like fire in my lungs. Just like the burning in my guts. Just like I can't get enough. Only the madman is wise in a world of cold logical minds. I seed no shelter. I emerge unscathed. As propaganda rains down even harder I become that much stronger. I walk right through

Monday, September 10, 2007

More Than Music

There's been a bit of slacking in the blogging department as of late, I've been relatively busy with the return of school, not that i couldn't find the time. I've been too busy breaking out the room mosh to the new Bitter End record, Climate Of Fear. This record is awesome in just about every way. I'm usually not a huge fan of metallic hardcore but 2007 seems to be dishing out the goods in this department, the new To The Lions and Allegiance LP's are both memorable listens.

The vocal delivery on this record is beyond venomous at times, it never seems out of place and the occasional growl really adds to the authenticity. Almost every riff is perfectly placed and the breakdowns, while maybe not the most original are very well done. Coupled with politically and socially vibrant lyrical content and some great bass lines and you have one of the best releases to date in 2007.

Other stuff I've been listening to as of late:

Robot Whales - Vehicle
Groovy hardcore with really well written lyrics.

Strung Out - Blackhawks Over Los Angeles
This band just keeps getting better, melodic skate punk with some awesome metallic riffs. They've gotten a bit more pop over their last two records but its only enhanced their sound.

Outlast - Trust
Everything about this band rules, I'm working my way through their discography and this is the latest release I've had a chance to listen to. I'm still missing some of their stuff so if anyone knows where i can order it or download it, let me know.

Uniform - Screaming for Change
This stuff gets better and has more meaning with every listen. For me this band marks a landmark in hardcore punk. The song Once I Cry is unbelievable and would make an awesome band name.... at least i think so.

Once I Cry

The rain begins
And yet the sky is clear
My eyes are shut tight
No one gets in here
My mind’s in a room
With no windows or doors
Away from the hands
That wrap tight around my neck

My neck, my neck, my neck around my neck
These hands that wrap tight around my neck

Where is the sun
I’ve heard so much about
Whose glance is all warming
Erasing doubt
I feel a chill
Run down my spine
So many contradictions
Which road leads home

Once I cry
The rain begins
Once my heart hurts
No one gets in

The sweat pours down
And it stings my eyes
Just as your promises
Turned into lies
I trusted you
What a fool was i
Now I just sit in a room
With no view

No view, no view, no view
With my eyes shut tight I’ve got no view

I heard a sound
Now I’m all alone
A heart beat pounding
It’s my own
Seeking an answer
Question unknown
I’m slowly drowning
I’m my sea of remorse

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Go It Alone/Fireworks/Eating Glass/Easy Days

This past Thursday was Go It Alone's last Toronto show as they're breaking up after this tour, I think a final show is going to happen in December or something.

Anyway, The first band to play was Easy Days. They're from St. Catharine's, a city in Southern Ontario and play a mix of youth crew hardcore and early 2000's Boston Hardcore along the lines of Mental. I thought they played pretty well, musically i really enjoyed them, the only thing that bugged me was the singer wouldn't turn and face the crowd, he always had his back to the crowd. I guess being a new band it takes time to feel comfortable, either way i still liked their set quite a bit and I'm looking forward to hearing new things from this band.

Next up were Eating Glass, they got kids moshing and signing along, which was nice to see considering they haven't been around for all that long. This was my third time seeing them and by far the best time. They seem to have really grown in the past few months and their take on thrashy hardcore is going to start catching eyes. Out of any band in the Toronto/Southern Ontario area, I'm most excited to see what the future holds for this band. If they keep at it i think they'll really catch on.

Fireworks played next. They're from Michigan and play really catchy pop punk that's just rough enough around the edges to make it really enjoyable. I just started listening to this band when i heard they were playing this show. I've given their EP a few listens and I've enjoyed it but it was nice to hear the songs played live, they come off really well and the band seemed to have a lot of energy. I think they sound a lot like early New Found Glory, which isn't a bad thing at all, it reminds me of being 15 again.

Next up was Go It Alone. Needless to say I was really anticipating their set, and they exceeded my expectations in every way. They opened with Rapture from their new record, that song sounded way heavier played live. Right from the start kids were moshing and singing along harder than i have seen in a long while. Next they played two songs from The Only Blood Between Us, Constant Refrain, and Cold Winter. Both those songs are great and only made the atmosphere more intense. Next they played the title track to their Histories 7", Evelyn from TOBBU, and Picking Up The Pieces from the Vancouver Gold EP. Evelyn was probably my favorite song of the night, the end of the song was incredible. The lyrics to that song mean a lot to me, i'll post them further down. Next they played Our Mistakes, Rapture, Flatline and a Chain of Strength cover which was awesome. They finished with the title track from their first LP. I don't think people were ready to see them go, so after a little persistent chanting and encouragement they played one last song, Statement, to finish the night.

I can't really describe how much fun i had at this show, i can't remember the last time a show was this memorable. I was happy to see Go It Alone get the kind of response they deserve and even happier to be a part of it. The intensity level of the whole band was great, even with how much i enjoy their records, their live show blows the records away. It's sad to see these guys go, but i imagine they accomplished more than they set out to. Given the sound of their last record i really think their sound has come full circle, if there ever was a perfect time to call it a day i guess this would be it. Anyway, here are some pictures from Go It Alone's set:

Thanks to Andrew Schoenrock for the pictures.

Here are some more pictures:

Credit goes to antipeterleague

I think I've posted this song before, but it deserves to be posted again.

It's a sick world and innocence doesn't last any longer than bloodstains on the city streets that wash out with the rain, slip through gutters and down the drains. Down here life decays like scraps of old newsprint that yellow with age. There's a place in the city where things go to die and the streets are littered with soiled lives. Human wreckage the byproduct of a diseased society. It's a disease. It's a cold world and the sick and addicted are left to die in the corner of town that tourists don't see and on the street corners at night. Desperation is an ugly sight so we force fake smiles and avert our eyes. We become prisoners of our own privilege, living in fear of those we've demonized. There's a place in the city where things go to die. A spectacle of ruined lives. Destitution and addiction, symptoms of a modern plague. It's a disease. So lock your doors and close your eyes and whisper to yourself: "Everything will be alright." It's a cruel world and innocence gets lost somewhere in piss soaked alleys and on filthy streets.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Growing Up Numb

I had a pretty cool chat with a WWII veteran today at work. The guy was overly conservative and i didn't agree with his anti-Muslim, basically anti anyone who isn't white Anglo-Saxon protestant stance but regardless it was cool to hear some of his stories.

He talked a lot about some of the strategy employed by the British army which he was a part of, the bombings, the reckless disregard for life, as long as it meant victory, even if only temporary. I really admired this guy not only for being willing to talk about his experience but also just because he lived through it, he was a part of the greatest human travesty the world has ever known.

Some of his opinions on the current state of the world got me thinking that those opinions he expressed today are a product of his experiences with war 60 to 70 years ago. War isn't exactly something that gives you faith in humanity, in my opinion it's the product of a wasted human heart that has no capacity to reason with love, it only reasons with self righteousness, lust, and hatred.

After we finished talking i got thinking about the effect of that war not only on those involved but the entire generation that lived through it. The opinions on global issues and the outlook on the world as a whole changed with war. I think it's only natural that when generations grow up with war they can't see the world clearly let alone their place in it.

The main thing i took from talking to this guy was how profound the impact of war on individuals can be. After i thought about it a little more Strike Anywhere's song "Chalkline" popped into my head, particularly the end, where Thomas yells "Watch us grow up to more". If we want to see the world in a more hope full way we need to find a way to diminish the corroding effect that the world around us can have on our lives. Otherwise we'll keep running around with bloodshot, rage filled eyes, looking for next scapegoat, when we live this way somebody has to pay.

Chalkline isn't so much about what i was talking about above, it's more about the boundaries we're forced to live in, the false beauty and the symbols that control so much of this society. It doesn't speak exactly to what I'm saying but i think it's easily relataeble.

We see the billboard girl the one devoted to ritual standing in the rain holding all of her pain inside I know you're hurting now but I can't point my finger at the words I should or shouldn't say anything to take the pain away to walk alone on the streets tonight and fear nothing to choose to love what we are in this life and shine brighter don't let the crosses and dollar signs the symbols of man unkind make you feel that you're not real all this time walk out out of the shadows we see the lines in chalk the warning sign for where we walk in the shadows of the cities maze to try and fight for better days yeah we're ungrateful yeah we're ungrateful for holy books, religious men values of beauty, original sin all this time we unwind it i won't give up, I'm not afraid Resister go as long as it takes to reverse the hypocrisy challenge the stakes of safety and survival at the heart of women's voices women's art to walk alone on the streets tonight and fear nothing to choose to love what we are in this life all that matters don't let the crosses and dollar signs the symbols of man unkind . . . I won't give up through all this time walk out out of the shadows if we take our strength to market to trade for their ugly beauty watch us grow up to war no more

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Farewell To Outlast

I haven't posted in a while, I've been way too busy with work, by the time this week is over I'll have worked almost 70 hours when you factor in commute time. Not fun. My work is really easy so i get a lot of time to read, I've read a couple Palahniuk books, i like his writing style but sometimes it seems too over the top. They're always an interesting, relatively quick read, and i like how they play on the down n' out people in society.

Today i finished Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms." My copy is nowhere near as cool as the one shown above. I wasn't sure what to expect from this but i was really surprised. The writing style is simple but at the same time really descriptive and raw. There are some moments in this book where the picture painted in your imagination is so detailed you really feel a part of the story. If you haven't read this or heard of it, i won't give any spoilers in case you ever want to read it. It's basically about an American ambulance driver in the Italian army who "falls" for a British nurse. The story follows the main character through his time at the Austrian/Italian front. I won't get into anymore because it's best to know as little as possible before reading it.

I'm reading "Burmese Days" by George Orwell right now and then I'm going to pick up one or two of Rold's recommendations, I'm leaning toward "The Tortilla Borders".

Also, Outlast, the band Outlast rule. It's all I've been listening to this past week on my way to and from work. Their whole discography is great, some of it could use some better production but all in all it's awesome stuff. Songs like "Had Enough People Making My Choices" and "Misprint" send chills down my spine. Some of bassing just shreds so hard. It's perfect blend of melodic youth crew, if i was in a band these guys would definitely be a primary influence.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


So i turned 22 this past Monday. I didn't really do anything, i had to work. The weekend before i went up and visited my parents, it's nice where they live in the summer so it was good to get away from the thick summer air in the city.

I almost did what Kate suggested. Get a cake and eat in my room alone, but i thought better of it when i realized the humiliation i would feel even if i was the only one to know what i did. haha.

Anyway, the past couple years on or around the time when i turn a year older i can't help but feel the urgency of time. Sure, I'm still young but it's easy to stagnate and just stop progressing. It can be frustrating when you look back on the year passed and realize you didn't accomplish what you wanted, you didn't accomplish anything really. But i think it's important to remember that you don't always see results instantly, sometimes it takes years to realize that what you learned at a certain point in time was incredibly valuable, even though you had no idea you were even learning anything at that time.

We're so concerned with instant results that it's easy to get frustrated with yourself, but if your willing to learn and adapt with time you'll be better off than the overwhelming amount of people who opt for the instant success or the instant feeling of accomplishment. Slow and steady i guess. Time can be an ugly thing if we let it but it doesn't have to be.

The latest Go It Alone record and the single preceding it were themed around the challenges of time and the changes that come with it. I think both the LP and the single were really well written and given that Go It Alone are calling to quits after this tour I'll post a song relating to what i was just talking about from the "Histories" Single.


I used to think i was unchanging like the rock besieged by the pounding sea, but Ive come to realize nothing is set in stone as i once believed. time can change me (and it has) but i cant change time. time can change us (and it will) but we cant rewrite our own histories.

Like i promised before here is a rare picture of me looking approachable or even sensible for that matter. I was an usher in my sisters wedding so i had to walk to my mom up the isle during the ceremony, this is the only reasonable looking picture of me out of a ton that were taken and it's the only picture where it doesn't look like i was trying to impersonate a clown with those stupid shoes i was wearing, my mom also looks extremely nervous and freaked out by something, so enjoy.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I started working night shifts doing security for a nursing/retirement home. So my sleep pattern is non existent and i haven't really had time to do much else other than eat and sleep. I usually have a lot of free time during the nights, it's a 12 hour shift and at most i have 5 hours of work, so i get a lot of reading done.

I've been reading a book by Mother Theresa called "no greater love" nothing has really grabbed me about it, she's basically just preaching selflessness to the point where you choose poverty and therefore can relate to and begin to help the poor. There is one part that really grabbed me though:

" When i pick up a hungry person from the street, i give him rice and bread, and i have satisfied that hunger. But a person who is shut out, feels unwanted by society, unloved and terrified - how much more difficult is it to remove the hunger?
You in the West have the spiritually poorest of the poor much more than you have the physically poor. Often among the rich are very spiritually poor people. I find it is easy to give a plate of rice to a hungry person, to furnish a bed to a person who has no bed, but to console or to remove bitterness, anger, and loneliness that comes from being spiritually deprived, that takes a long time."

There's a lot of truth in that statement, you look at our society, we have so much but we have so little. Our immense wealth is able to mask our downfalls, it doesn't take much to see it and if you look closely you can see every bit of structure in our culture and our society rotting. It hasn't collapsed yet, but I'm not sure how much longer a society that is as empty as we are can stand on its own two feet. I guess we're staggering pretty hard now.

All you have to do is look at history and it will show you what happens to a society that rises to the top, eventually it falls to the bottom. Thousands of years ago these collapses took hundreds maybe even thousands of years, but with the acceleration of technology and rapid movement of social systems these collapses can happen much quicker.

I guess looking at North American you could say the pendulum was set swinging in Europe with all the political turmoil and social hardships many of our ancestors had to endure, current generations in North American are so far removed from that struggle that it doesn't mean anything to us anymore. We just let government and the corporations do whatever they please and as long as it doesn't affect our bottom line we don't seem to care.

All of this connects to being empty inside, our pockets and our bank accounts are full but our minds and hearts are empty. I think it's up to the ones who are bitter, angry, socially neglected, and oppressed to make a change. People who are accepted aren't desperate enough.

I'm not sure how this all connects and i don't really care, it makes sense somehow. There's a song by Rise Against off of their first and best record called The Unravelling, it sort of speaks to what I'm saying here, even if it doesn't this song is incredible, lyrically and musically. The Unravelling is one of my favorite records of all time, so much raw emotion and intensity. The few times i saw this band live while they were touring for this record were unbelievable. I know they've gotten insanely popular and even though i don't really like their last two records I'm happy for them, the lyrics are still meaningful, the music just got a little more tame.
Anyway here's the song:
"The Unraveling"
and all these things that we tie together
keep unraveling apart
and the light that used to burn so bright
now is dark
with anger-laced intent we set fire
to the bridges that remain
and they're wading through the current now.
and they drown in the flood of the tears
that have been wept
and i scream to the sky
"no, you are not alone..."
if you think that your words will ever make a difference
think again and carry on
because the weight behind the hand that holds us is strong
but there is hope in the roar of a thousand pleading cries
and all these things that we tie together
the sound of their tongues being bitten
is all I hear
as we fire at the whites of theirs eyes then
dance on ashes of the world
as they drown in the flood of the tears
that have been wept
and their tongues being bitten
is all that I can hear
as I scream to the sky,"I need you now..."
can you feel this truth now unraveling?
or will you chase the burning sun
into the sea.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Desperate Times

It's been incredibly hot lately, it's almost unbearable at times. A couple days ago it was 45 degrees (113 if you don't get Celsius) Summers are violently hot and winters are bitterly cold.... i need to move.

I got the new Allegiance LP in the mail a few days ago, This record is pretty harsh, if you liked "Overlooked" in any way whatsoever you'll dig "Desperation".

I also won Insted's "We'll Make The Difference" 7" with gold print, I'm pretty sure it's the first pressing. This record as well as "What We Believe are both really fundamental when it comes to youth crew hardcore in my opinion. The lyrics aren't exactly groundbreaking, they're simple, to the point and ooze conviction. The music, on this record is a little more raw production wise in comparison to "What We Believe" but it's just as good.

This:Is awesome, TFS in Guatemala, if only kids around here got that stoked on hardcore

In other news, my sister got married Saturday along with 40 million other couples being that it was 7/7/07. It was weird because she's my younger sister, but I'm happy for her, they're happy that's all that matters. Pics will be posted of me sporting a tux looking like a total geek, but only upon request.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Local Talent

Lately there have been a few promising bands start up in and around Toronto, this is really good to see, i think this city is in need of a revival of sorts.

Eating Glass -

These guys are the band I'm most excited about, they sound a bit like Infest with more of a modern vibe and a little Outbreak thrown in for good measure. The vocals are really good, and for being pretty young dudes the lyrics are impressive.


Weird name, i don't really know what they sound like but i can get into it.

About To Snap -

This band isn't new they've been at it for a couple years, you may or may not have heard of them. These guys are by far my favorite band in Southern Ontario at the moment, fast, pissed early 80's hardcore with a modern touch, thought provoking lyrics, and a front man who is prone to unpredictable antics. They're playing a pretty extensive U.S tour this summer, if you get the chance make it out to one of there shows.

Fever Out -

I saw these guys play with Another Breath, the lead guitarist shreds.

Urban Blight -

These guys have also been around for a few years, but they they deserve mention considering outside of ATS they're my favorite Toronto band. Probably the closest to a true youth crew sound this city has to offer. They hardly play any shows but when the do it's always a fun time.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rain City Paradise

Vancouver continues to produce a plethora of great hardcore/punk band. I guess Circles is the latest.

I've only hear the three songs they have up but I'm really into it. Former members of Blue Monday and one or two other bands. The Blue Monday influence is pretty prevalent in the songs I've heard. Far more punk sounding than anything Blue Monday ever did, just read their influences and its pretty easy to see where they're coming from.

If you check this out be sure to listen to the song "Find My Breath" i can't stop listening to it.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Good Riddance

This band is one of my all-time favorites, a perfect blend of punk and hardcore. And i always liked that they had a bit of a 90's skate punk vibe to them at times. It's sad to see them go, but they had more than a good run. It also means more time for Only Crime, who are touring through Canada later this summer.

Here are two of my favorite records as well as their last record. I haven't given it much of a listen but from what I've heard it sounds as good as ever.

It's impossible to pick a favorite song by Good Riddance, looking at it from a musical and lyrical perspective they had so many solid songs. Whether the songs were about personal, political or social issues they were always well written and thought provoking. If i had to pick a song it would probably be "Choices Made", this could change by next week but as of this moment this song will have to do.

"Choices Made"

I'm so alone
In the darkest place I know
I'm a prisoner in my mind
And I'm searching for that light
And the faith I left behind
I've tried so hard
To look you In the eye
Time has never been a friend
And once again I've been betrayed
By the weight of what I know
And the choices that I've made
You stood so tall
And I've watched you fall
Looking on the bright side
I've known some peace
Cried on the shoulders
Of better men than me
It's going to take a lifetime
To wash away
If I want to stay clean
I've got to start today

Thursday, June 07, 2007

DIY Drumming Pt. 2

Haha, check this out. My brother exposing his drumming skills to the world of youtube.

DIY Drumming Pt. 1

Monday, June 04, 2007

Time Marches On

Go It Alone have been one of my favorite bands ever since i heard the Vancouver Gold EP. Then, after the The Only Blood Between Us was released i was even higher on this band. Needless to say i was anticipating GIA's second full length pretty intensely.

Initially i was a little disappointed in the progression of their sound. I heard the Histories Single and i was really impressed but when i first heard the full length it seemed like the band had lost a bit of their edge. I wasn't going to give up on it that easy, so i listened a few more times and sat down with the lyric sheet and let Histories grow on me. The more i listen to this record, like any previous GIA record, the more i appreciate it. This record is more mid-tempo but it's just as furious. It's more hard hitting and has more a dreary rain city vibe to it.

Histories is also more of a themed record. I think that's one of the reasons i like it so much, it really shows the creativity of vocalist Mark Palm. The record seems to flow flawlessly from one song to the next without losing any steam. Songs like 'Monastery' and 'Rapture' have a more typical GIA vibe lyric wise. While a song like 'Love' shows the sincerity put into the lyric writing. Of all the songs this band has written i think this one is the most easily related to and one of the most beautifully written.

I'm sure there are those who will just stop listening to this band given their relative "popularity" within the hardcore scene. But it's their loss. I can't wait to see this band in August, i guess then we'll see if they've been disbanded to join the heap of "unhipular" bands that came before them. In any case, this record is great, listen to it.

"Love "

I never felt the ache of being alone, never sensed an empty space inside myself. Never felt the urge to fill a void with the presence of someone else. But you uncovered a feeling inside of me, unfamiliar and unique. Created a vacancy within where one never used to be. Dear absentee, dear missing piece, I've missed you since the day we met. Dear truant friend, dear tune stuck in my head that i cant forget....a lost memory, an errant wish, you were a missing limb; every morning i had to wake up and realize you were gone all over again. An unfinished sentence, an interrupted thought, a name on the tip of my tongue. An unsent letter, an unopened book, a lyric left unsung. Dear absentee, dear missing piece, I've missed you since the day we met. Dear truant friend, dear tune stuck in my head. Dear you....I've got these feelings inside, somehow i always knew you'd understand. they've been laying dormant for a lifetime. I'm waking up for the first time.

Monday, May 28, 2007


"Isn't it true that you start your life a sweet child believing in everything under your father's roof? Then comes the day of Laodiceans, when you know you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, and with the visage of a gruesome grieving ghost you go shuddering through nightmare life." - Jack Kerouac
That quote is probably one of the most disturbing, most tragic pieces of writing i have ever read.
In a sense it's what inspired me to write this:


Where did it go wrong?
When did my mind become so restless it turned on itself?

I used to know the difference between fact and fiction,
Between truth and lies.
Now I only know what fiction is, I only know lies.
And everything is a lie, this world is dead
And we made it this way, we watched it die
We had our say, but it’s all lost on us, it’s lost on us.

Why choose to feel when you only feel pain
The knives twisting in and out of your back.
Why choose the light when darkness hides everything you hate
Your scars are concealed when darkness permeates
Why choose the narrow road when you can’t see the end
And the end is only something you dream of
On those nights you were nearly broken, but you wouldn’t give in

I’m still holding on
I’ve seen too many fall short
Wasted lives take a piece of me with them every time they die

You only hold on because somewhere, you believe in hope
You only let go because death is easier
Than staring yourself in the eyes
Swallowing your pride
And admitting you were almost too far gone
And the direction that we were heading was stomped, peddled, and beaten upon

We were wrong, we were all wrong

So just let go, let go

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lights Out....For Good

I'm so glad i was able to get my hands on this record. It was the second pressing out 215 or something like that. I love the artwork on the album cover, it really suits the whole vibe of the record. Most of the songs on this record took some time to grow on me, but ever since i was able to sit down with the lyric sheet and listen along I've gained more of an appreciation for this record.

Pretty much any song this band put out was teaming with anger. It's easy to be angry but most anger lacks any sort of direction. Every song seemed to have a direction or a focus whether it be pointed inwards or outwards towards other people or towards society. My favorite song from this record is "Trapped" to me it epitomizes what this band stood for for the short time they were around. I'm a little bummed i didn't get to see them live a single time, but i think I've took what needed to be taken from this band.

Swarm, like a pack of dogs
Destroy the wounded
Fucking eat me alive
But I'm far from harmed because I don't hate my life
You want to break me down and build me up
Follow your every move
Sell me happiness in 15 minutes
You think you can because so many do
Fall into your trap, I'm smarter than that
Your fucking lies, your dirty scheme, I'll never let you beat me
Their control....
Refuse it....
Destroy it....
Control it....
Cause it's always you telling me what i want
and no matter what i do you'll never stop
Everywhere I turn, there you are
But you'll never destroy what i know inside

Monday, May 21, 2007

We Are The Walking Dead

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Usually when i write i try and make it somewhat poetic or i try and put it into the format of a song. Its more powerful that way. But sometimes its too hard to say what i want within that context. I've been in a bit of disturbed mood lately, here's some of the outcome.

What does it mean to be alive in this world? I'm not talking about simply breathing, waking in the morning to face the same blown-out routine. You can only walk down a path so many times before it becomes beat, boring, and lifeless. It might seem enticing at first, giving in is always the easy way out but you'll live to regret it. For generations we've been nothing more than walking dead, marching our way to burn out in beach side towns and retirement homes.

There are a few who resist but most of us either get dragged in line, kicking and screaming, or we can't even will to raise an eyebrow at the fact that we're living unfulfilled. In doing so we've raped and ravaged entire continents of landscape and entire societies of people. Because we do it better, who needs to live when your skeletal remains can bask in a sea of colored paper?

One of the problems is that we've created an empty life, we're born into it, it requires us to leave our true ambition, or aspirations at the steps, before we even see the light of day. Most of us don't even know what it means to be ambitious, in the true sense of the word. You can be ambitious within the realm of our society, but set foot outside those confines and you can't even fathom what it means to breath freely. Let alone know what it means to have aspirations that are true to your heart.

I'm trying to figure out how it feels to be dead inside, but i don't know, I'm not there yet. I don't know what it feels like to live because I'm not there either. I'm stuck in between light and darkness, blinded by a grey haze that leaves me waving my arms out in front of me in fear that i might grasp something that will point me in the right direction.

To be continued.....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Young Man Blues

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I saw Modern Life Is War last night for what i believe was the fifth time. It was one of the better times seeing them, just because Jeff seemed to really be into it, and i was equally as into it.

The turnout was weak once again. I guess the hipsters united and decided MLIW wasn't their cup of tea any longer. It's really amazing in a city that has a lot of great hardcore punk bands that a band as good as MLIW gets ignored. But if it isn't trendy here it doesn't fly. Another reason why i will never follow and will probably never truly feel at home in this scene.

They played most of my favorite songs including, first and ellen, by the sea, the outsiders, dead ramones, and clarity. They played three new songs each of which were really good. Their new record is going to be amazing.

I lost it during pretty much every song they played, more than normally would. I think it's becuase ive been so into Witness lately, it's almost as if i've been able to pin down where this band is coming from and it makes it that much more meaningful.

I lost my voice almost completely after the show, i guess i felt i needed to make up for the lack of support or something, me and my friend Etienne along with some really obnoxious kid were really the only ones consistently into it. We talked to Jeff after the show briefly, he seems like a really nice dude. We also talked to Brooke Strauss who is touring with them playing an acoustic set before their set. He seems like a really interesting guy, his lyrics were disturbing, not really in a bad way, more in a depressing, being torn from the depths of his soul way.

I've been listening to Witness a lot lately, the more i listen to it the more i get an "On The Road", "Jack Kerouac" vibe. The book seems to epitomize coming of age in Western society even today. For those of us who are searching for something real, something different, i think this book can't really say it any better. For me Witness definitely expands on this theme and the new record, from what little i was able to grasp seems to be expanding even further.

Trying to live for what your heart longs for is something that's nearly impossible with the obstacles we're faced with. Most of us can't even recognize what we want or need, we just do what we're supposed to be doing and that's the end. It never goes any further we just live our lives dead inside. Bands like MLIW deserve a lot of credit for being truthful to themselves and not giving in, i guess the challenge is finding a way to live, individually, without any restraints limiting your potential.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dance of Days

I finally had a chance to see No Trigger play on the 5th. They were supposed to play a show back in the fall with New Mexican Disaster Squad but their van broke down before they got to the border. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of kids singing along and the intensity of their vocalist. For those of you who haven't heard them, they play melodic hardcore punk similar to that of Strike Anywhere, they sound a little more polished and at times almost poppy but they pull it off better than most bands attempting to play the same style. They sounded pretty tight throughout the whole set, these guys are really young as well so it will be interesting to see what the future holds for them.

Daggermouth, Hostage Life, and Set Your Goals were also set to play that night, i stayed for Daggermouth and left before the next two bands played. I actually like both of Daggermouths' LP's so i always enjoy seeing them. The crowd went off for them which was nice to see considering the last time they played Toronto i think i was the only one who knew who they were. They did a Descendants cover 'I'm The One' which was great, i was singing along the whole time so i wasn't really paying attention to how it sounded but from what i caught it sounded like the pulled it off pretty well.

I started my Anthropology class this week, it seems really interesting. We get to read a book written by a dude who went and lived with crack heads/dealers in Harlem called 'In Search Of Respect' which is going to be awesome. The whole course is all essay writing which is a bonus for me, there seems to be an insane amount of reading (40 pgs of assigned reading plus the aforementioned case study book which will be at least 10 pgs a night) but as long as i get free reign on the essays i don't really care.

On a side note, my landlord brought me and my roommate an insanely nice dinner tonight completely unexpected. He's a French Prof. at York (the school i go to) and has been really good to my roommate and i so far. So this post goes out to Caribbean Cuisine and how good it tastes after you've been surviving off your own half hearted attempts to nourish yourself for longer than should be aloud.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

In With The New

Man, i really need to stop slacking and update this thing. I've been busy getting ready moving into my new apartment so all things Internet have taken a back seat. I needed to get out of that hole in the ground i used live in.

I've been to a couple really good shows the past couple weeks or so. I saw Lifetime on the 20th. It's pretty clear there making this comeback for the right reasons the whole band had a ton of fun on stage. Yemin was losing it to nearly every song which was great to see. And their new LP is really solid, maybe a little more polished than their previous stuff but it still holds true to what made them what they are.
I picked the LP up at the show and apparently i got the last one on limited red vinyl.

Then i saw Static Radio, The Loved Ones, Strike Anywhere, and The Bouncing Souls this past Friday. Static Radio play melodic hardcore punk sort of like Kid Dynamite, no where near as tight or fluid, but they seemed good none the less. I've seen the Loved Ones a few times now, i don't listen to their records a whole lot but their live shows are entertaining. They're just extremely catchy, without being to poppy. They still maintain that punk edge.

This show was sold out so by the time Strike Anywhere started it was getting pretty hot in the venue. I managed to maneuver my way up front and sang along for their entire set. They played a few new songs, a few from Exit English, and some of my favorites from 'Change is a Sound' including 'Refusal' and 'Sunset On 32nd'. They also played 'Earthbound' from the EP which was a nice surprise. As usual Thomas shared some of his political insights that shine through in mostly all of their songs. They didn't play 'Notes On Pulling The Sky Down' which i was a little bummed out about but when you've released four great records it's hard to please everyone.

I can't really explain how fun it is to see The Bouncing Souls, listening to them usually puts me in a better mood and seeing them live is just an extension of that feel-good energy. I just stood behind the chaotic crowd and took it all in. They played a good mix of old and new stuff and they finished with 'For All The Unheard' which has a really long outro that almost makes me pass out every time i hear it. They almost the entire thing vocals and all, it was cool to see that.

Saturday No Trigger is playing with Daggermouth and Set Your Goals. I'm looking forward to seeing No Trigger. 'Canyoneer' was a solid record so hopefully they get a good response from the crowd.

I start classes for the summer semester on Monday, im taking an Anthropology class so hopefully it deosn't suck on the same level of most university courses. And i changed the layout of this after realizing my last one was pretty ugly, brown rules.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

TFS Pictures

PS. These photos flatter my looks majorly.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

TFS/Urban Blight/Keep It Up/Eating Glass

I was really excited to get to see The First Step again. This band has become one of my favorite, especially after the release of What We Know. Of course TFS were the highlight of the show but i was interested in seeing the other bands. One is newly formed and the other two rarely play shows.

Eating Glass opened up, they play really fast, pissed off thrashy hardcore. Think Infest or more recently Ceremony or even ATS. I think they only had one song more than 30 seconds and it was because the intro and the outro were longer than usual. I thought they were good for just starting out, they have a ton of potential. I hope they live up to it, Toronto needs a band like this.

Next Keep It Up played. If you've heard the Generations comp Bridge 9 put out KIU had a song on it. They play youth crew hardcore with more of a modern influence, but they still come off sounding really raw and their influences really show. The last time i saw these guys play was with TFS last July so it was nice to see them play again, i just hope they start playing more shows.

Urban Blight played next, i don't think they had played a show in more than 6 months. They weren't overly tight musically but they were good enough given the circumstances. This band is a lot of fun, i think I'd really be into them if they played more shows. Quit Harshin' My Buzz is a great song Check it out:

TFS were up next. They opened with Something Inside and got kids moshing and singing along, including myself. I suck at moshing so i basically just run across the floor looking like an idiot if I'm not singing along. The only bummer was no stage = no stage dives, but otherwise the venue has been really good since re-opening for the last few shows. Stephen ( the singer) got cut above his eye during the first song, and bled on various parts of my WHITE Fired Up shirt. Haha I'll get it out somehow. They played Time To Understand, Learning, No Way To Live, The Higher Taste, When Things Fall Apart, What We Know, And The First Step. They played a new song called Connection which sounded really good. And probably a couple more I'm forgetting. I can't really pick out a highlight of the set, every song was good, Stephen had a lot of positive meaningful things to say in between songs and the vibe of the show as a whole was really positive.

This was definitely the best show so far this year, i hope TFS come back this summer or something because it'll be hard to beat a show with them on the bill. I'm sure there will be pictures posted somewhere shortly, I'll post them or link them when i see them.

Some Videos: Urban Blight:

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Iron Age/Rise And Fall

Despite the fact that we are experiencing January in April and my refusal to wear a jacket to a show this show was a lot of fun.

I hadn't really heard much about Rise and Fall before this show, aside from the fact that they were from Europe and they were REALLY heavy. I enjoyed their set, i don't think I'll really get into them on record but the signer was doing some weird stuff and the band seemed like they were dead on musically. The first song the guitarist busted out this ridiculous solo that left me wanting to burn my guitar. I was expecting him to put my abilities to shame some more, but that was it, no more eye watering riffs. I was a little disappointed with that but all in all i appreciated the energy and intensity the band brought.

I think Iron Age are one of the more talented bands in hardcore. I'm usually not big on the crushing NYHC style they play but this band is an exception. They got kids moshing, circle pitting and signing along, i was able to sing along for a few songs, the few that I've taken the time to sit down and really get a grasp on. Their lead guitarist is a seriously talented dude, if you've listened to this band much you know what I'm talking about, almost every song has a riff that I'll probably never be able to do. I was happy with the response the kids in attendance gave the band they definitely deserve it and it was nice to see everyone appreciated what they were doing.

Local band The Kill Decibel opened the show, i got there just as they ended. Hatred Surge played after them, i didn't like them. Calculated noise. And the infamous Fucked Up finished the night, i didn't stay for them, I've never really been able to get into them. Their live shows are great but i can't get into them on record.

Check out some pictures @

Friday, March 30, 2007

Seoul City Straight Edge

I got The Geeks "Everytime We Fall" in the mail today. Luckily I've had it in mp3 format for a few weeks now. In My opinion this record surpasses their previous stuff by miles. The music hasn't changed much but the vocals are much improved, a much more fluid delivery and they seem to fit with the songwriting a little better. I'm really digging this right now, i need to see this band next time they come to North America.

I did the pre-order with Get Outta Town Records and the vinyl looks rad, i think this pressing was limited to 100.
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"Open Your Eyes" is probably my favorite song on the record, along with the title track.

Open Your Eyes
All i see is mindless determinations
The absence of thinking, we are not learning to grow
we are forced to believe in false ideals
Pursuing lives to get ahead is what we have learned
Are we making progress or just wasting our time?
What we were taught is blinding our sights
We are meant to live for so much more
Too blind to see what's real
Live for what's in store
Open Your Eyes

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Get Me Out!

This is what i do when I'm supposed to be listening to my violent accented Eastern European computers and society professor. And given the absurdity of my last post i figured i needed to get it out of the way as soon as possible.
Were we all born without a chance?
Into a world that won't give an inch
No matter how hard we push
The harder it pushes back
How are supposed to live?
When all we do is give
Give in and give up
Give our time, punch the clock
All for a world that doesn't give a fuck

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Physical Fatness

If you've ever been out in public anytime in the last 20 years you've probably noticed an absurd amount of obese people. I'm not quite sure why this is, of course consumer culture encourages people to eat slabs of fat and people are overly lazy. Because of technology and our fascination with instant gratification we don't need to be as physically active, and why would we be? I mean we won't see any result for at least a few weeks.

Conclusion. Obesity is a physical disease that only exists to the extremities that it does because the society that festers its existence is also diseased. And it permeates every facet of every part of life. Just like an alcoholic, heroin junkie, or an anorexic, obesity is a disease. When i say obese i don't mean just mildy overweight people, i mean people that can't walk 10 steps without their heart exploding.

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I took this article from the Toronto Star, it's what inspired me to rant like i just did.

The childhood obesity "epidemic" is so disturbing that today’s children will become the first generation in some time to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, a new report says.
Entitled Healthy Weight for Healthy Kids, the report was issued by the Commons health committee today.
The committee said it "shares the fears of many experts who predict that today’s children will be the first generation for some time to have poorer health outcomes and a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
The committee noted that Canada has one of the worst rates of childhood obesity in the developed world.
Weight problems can bring on Type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, joint problems and mental health issues.
Recent data indicate that 26 per cent of Canadians aged 2-17 are overweight or obese, up from 15 per cent in 1978.
The committee heard that children continue to consume too many calories in fatty and processed foods and in sugary drinks.
The report proposed 13 recommendations, stating that to address the problem, programs that promote healthy weights for children have to be rewarding.
In addition, the committee said that interventions must take place at all levels - individual, family, community, school as well as all levels of government.
The committee also said it’s important to set specific, measurable health targets.
"The committee recognizes that childhood obesity is a complex and multi-dimensional problem that must be tackled immediately," the report said.
I was also thinking about how ugly truth can be. Truth about the world, about what we've morphed into. If truth were a person it would be a 90 year old, senile, meth addict with no arms or legs and 3rd degree burns from its head to its stumps.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Today was the fourth anniversary of the U.S led Invasion of Iraq, as well as the fourth anniversary of the annual anti-war rallies that happen all over the world at this time.

I participated at the one in Toronto for the third straight year. there were some moving speeches given by citizens of the middle east, They brought a few war resisters from the U.S up on the stage during the rally, it was cool to see them sticking to their guns and basically giving up any normalcy they had in their lives because they believed something they were participating in was wrong. I have tons of respect for those people.

The protest also dealt with Canada's involvement in Afghanistan, and an array of other social issues that the Canadian government continues to neglect. Although its sometimes depressing to go to these rallies, i walk away with at least a sense of hope that people still care enough to do something about it.

In a city of over 5 million people only about 1000 people were at this rally, which makes me wonder if we're just so far gone that we've given up. Either that or we're to ignorant to know enough to care. Millions and millions of people have died in the name of Western imperialism yet we ignore it like it doesn't really matter how many people die, as long as we can still drive our BMW's and live in posh neighborhood's with guarded entrances. Just enough so we remain to numb to the realities of what has created the great wealth we enjoy.

Reading Howard Zinn today i was reminded that every great empire will fall, mostly due to their unsatisfiable lust for power and wealth. It's just amazing the lengths that governments go to in order to keep their head above water for just a while longer. If you think about it the U.S (and for economic purposes Canada as well) has been at war consistently since WWII, so what happens if there is no war? Is war what sustains our fragile economy?

This got out of hand a long time ago. I'll stop now, but here's a song that re-enforces some of what i was saying. I could use this entire album, but this will have to suffice.

Start A Fire
I can't accept what's been done
I'll question the motives
Of all things under the sun
There's something wrong
When a man is kept down
By another man's hand with a gun
We need to start a fire
To act consciously
To save us from our own defeat
Because there is still a war
That we must eliminate
And save ourselves
From this unconscious state
When you just can't take anymore
And you're being kept down
We've gotta cut our ties
To a life lived in denial
I wish I could strike a match
And set fire to this fucked up empire
I'll never let myself become
Just another apathetic motherfucker
Who knows what we could do
If we would only try
If we turn our heads and walk away
This fire won't survive