Monday, January 28, 2008

Turning Pages

Last Friday night i decided to venture out to Adrift for the last show that will be taking place there. They're moving to a new location that doesn't have a back room/skate park in it. That place was always great for shows, a really small intimate setting, almost every show i saw there was good. It sucks to see it go but apparently there is a new venue that's popped up somewhere. You wouldn't think that venue's would be a problem in a city of over 5 million but the affordability factor is tough to get around.

Anyway i only showed up for the two middle bands, i was intending to see Libyans but unfortunately i showed up too late. It was nice to see Acid Reflux, i had heard them a bit beforehand and though they would be fun live. They play early 80's hardcore punk. Kid's were sort of into them. Next were Brutal Knights, really the band i went for. Behind Career Suicide they're probably my favorite Toronto hardcore band going. They play a style similar to Career Suicide, maybe a little more up beat, a little more punk, and a little slower. Anyway, as usual kids lost it for them. Rampaging around the floor, hanging from piping in the ceiling, throwing beer everywhere. I don't like the whole bringing the mosh when you have a beer in your hand then just losing control and flinging your beer at every person standing within a 15 foot radius of you.

The place was packed being that it was the last show there. It was really hot and stank like only it can when vast numbers of shower rebelling punks start sweating, so i left before Rammer played. This is a pretty bad post, i got no sleep last night and now I'm trying to tire myself out so i can sleep, get up early, and further decimate the confidence i have in my physical prowess when i go run around for a while in the morning. It's more like an angry, heaving trek through completely unacceptable weather conditions.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Slick Shoes!....Are You Crazy?"

I decided to start jogging and get myself is better shape, for what reason i don't know. I went to the store and got some runners, the vans weren't going to cut it, there weren't a decent pair of shoes for less than $90. I haven't bought running shoes in years but this is absurd. I'm still on my pop punk kick so the first run i went for i decided on Slick Shoes for my soundtrack. Bad Idea. I'm way out of shape even though i bike nearly everyday, running is so much more difficult.

Needless to say i was not having too much fun and the happy music bursting into my ears just made the situation worse. My energy quickly deflated i got home and collapsed on the floor until the burning in my lungs receded to a non-lethal level. Next time i need something pissed, just as much as i will be when my lungs decide to punish me for years of inactivity, any recommendations are welcome.

On the topic of this band 'Slick Shoes'. It's a bit of a weird name but it's from the movie The Goonies, thus it's a great band name. I started listening to this band when i was 12 or 13 years old. Their first LP Rusty, which was released in 1997 got me hooked. They've since released 2 or 3 other LP's that I've listened to pretty frequently.

They play ultra fast melodic punk with some great poppy melodies and smooth vocal delivery. The vocals are actually one of my favorite parts of this band, most of the time the delivery is spot on and they're just original enough to keep you engaged. The guitar work is also very good, it's well written and in terms of punk music it certainly isn't the most technically dull.

They have a song called called Last on this record that is one of my favorite songs. You know when your a kid just getting into a style of music you can relate to and you find a song that you can't stop listening to. Last was one of a few songs that i would play over and over and never get sick of it. I'm going to make a mix tape of all my favorite stuff from this band, i'll post a link for it up here when I'm finished.

16 songs of unmitigated pop punk glory

Thursday, January 17, 2008

...And It Continues

I've been listening to the band Digger constantly this week, They were on Hopeless Records in the mid to late 90's and early 2000's. Anyway, their first two LP's, Powerbait and The Promise of an Uncertain Future are both awesome.

Powerbait is 14 tracks of classic pop punk jams, this stuff is really uplifting and fun to listen to. I can't really explain this recent pop punk trend I'm onto. Usually around this time of year a band like Think I Care would be a perfect accentuation to the doom and gloom of winter. I guess I'm sick of the doom and gloom.

I catch myself playing these songs over and over in my head. Whether I'm in lecture, trying to read, or trying to sleep, i can't get some of these songs out of my head.

Lyrically it's pretty typical of pop punk bands of that time period, there's even a completely ridiculous song called I Want My Hat Back which is seemingly void of any meaning other than the dude really wants his hat back because he got a 'stupid haircut'. There are songs about screwing up in school and being in love with a girl who snarls every time she looks your way. There's even a Madonna cover. It sounds good, although I'm sure the original version would make me want to rip my hair out.

I don't really know what to say about the album art, other than that it's not very good and kind of weird. Do yourself a favor and check this record out, even if you don't typically like pop punk i think this record has enough appeal to make even the most cynical of cynics regress there prior opinions if even just a little.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shake off the Dust

This past week I've been revisiting all the old bands i used to listen in the late 90's when i was starting to really take to music. Tooth And Nail Records used to put out these compilations called Songs From the Penalty Box, i think they release four versions before the compilations for the most part went downhill along with the label. Anyway, it was through those compilations that i found out about bands such as MxPx, Slick Shoes, Dogwood, The Huntington's, Ghoti Hook, Craig's Brother, and The Undecided to name a few. Those bands, although shunned upon sometimes for their lyrical content were bands that had a profound impact on me as a kid and are still a part of me today. I have my friend Ben to thank for buying me a couple of those cd's for my birthdays over the years we hung out, he moved to North Carolina shortly after high school started and i haven't talked to him much since then. Thanks dude, wherever you are.

I dug out one of those cd's today because i remember there being a band that played skate/pop punk i really liked but could never manage to get a hold of any of their material. It turns out the band was called Off The Record. They only had one formal release entitled Remember When. So finally today i looked the record up, it was out of print so i resorted to soulseek, i wasn't expecting to get any results but fortunately i was able to find a copy and download it. I just finished listening to it once through and i was smiling through the whole thing. It kind of sounds like Blink 182 Dude Ranch era with a few more hard hitting, more technical riffs. The vocals have more attitude than Blink 182 could ever muster, as much as i like Dude Ranch, this blows it out of the water. At least upon initial listen.

One of the coolest things about music is that you can go back and revisit the bands that helped shape who you are today. You can feel just like you did when you were a 15 year old kid and didn't have to care about anything other than how you were going to explain your latest truancy from school to your parents or where you were going to skate without having the cops threaten to take your board away. Even though i only heard one song from this record previous to today, listening to this record let's me relive a part of my life i wouldn't change for anything. That's priceless.

Ohh yeah, on a side note, i started a new blog called Against the Grain. So from this point forward this one will be reserved for all things music since it pretty much already is. And the other one, well i don't really know i guess political/philosophical banter that will make no sense to anyone but myself. It probably won't even make sense to me.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Best of 2007

2007 seemed like a bit of an off year in terms of punk and hardcore music. There were a few releases that really grabbed me but beyond that i wasn't too excited about much. There were plenty of good records released, just not many great ones.

With that said the year prior had a lot of great records released, there's really no way this year could compare. Last year picking my top 10 was way too hard, this year the top five were easy and after that i had some trouble. The "Honorbale Mentions" category for this year is huge just because so many records i listened to this year were good but were just lacking that final knock out punch.

Anyway, I'll get on with this. I might add a category or two more to this years edition, we'll see how it goes as i work my way through the cobb webbs of the year that was.

Top 10 Releases of 2007

1. True Colors - Focus On The Light

I wrote about this record earlier this year so i won't too in depth. Here's a link documenting my unrelenting praise for this record.

Positive energy oozes from this record. It's pretty typical Youth Crew both lyrically and musically but there just enough originality and edge to help earn this record the #1 spot on my list. I'm sure I'll be vehemently disagreed with on this, but i really can't think of another record more deserving of this spot.

2. Bitter End - Climate of Fear

This record is crushing, i'm usually not huge on metallic hardcore but this record is nearly perfect when it comes to this genre. The vocals are downright venemous and the words being spewd don't lack an ounce of conviction.

Musically there are some really catchy melodic riffs, and some really cool building to burst apart bass lines, just enough to maintain a sharp edge. There's plenty of punishing breakdowns, they just don't sound overly typical. There's a diversity evident in this record that is rarely shown within this genre. Combine that with near perfect production and well written, well thought out lyrics and this record gets the # 2 spot on my list. I can't wait to see what waits ahead for this band.

3. Go It Alone - Histories

This was Go It Alone's second and final full length LP. I thought everything they had put out up to this record was some of the best stuff modern hardcore had to offer. Needless to say my expectations were high. After an initial let down, i let this record grow on me and now it ranks right up there with the rest of GIA's discography. The rager songs on this record rage at a level of furiousity that's hard to top.

I won't go into to much detail, i wrote about this earlier in the year after i recieved one of the more limited copies in my Rivalry Records pre-order. Click here if you want to read more.

4. The Geeks - Every time We Fall

Seoul Korea's finest. The Geeks really stepped it up this time. This record towers above their previous efforts in so many ways. The production is cleaner than before but still raw enough to maintain the sincere emotion that makes this band so fun to listen to.

Musically they mesh better, the vocals are more controlled but still unrelenting enough. I really can't say enough about how much this record rules. One listen is explanation enough.

I wrote about this record earlier in the year as well. Click here to see the cool vinyl from Get Outta Town Records.

5. Lifetime - Self Titled

I couldn't have asked for a more triumphant return for this band. Amidst all the cynical talk surrounding these reunions i knew this band would pull through. They did and then some.

This record might even be better than Jersey's Best Dancers. That's a bold statement given the timelessness associated with Lifetime's previous work. You would expect that no matter how good another Lifetime record is, it would never be able to live up to the precedent set almost a decade ago. But somehow this record's done that. Anyone who doubted Yemin's prowess regarding this brand of hardcore punk really needs to check their head. Everything the guy touches is gold and this is no exception.

6. Get The Most - Moment in Time EP

Get The Most's follow up to 2006's Common Goals EP, is pretty much just as expected. More catchy, generic youth crew that hasn't strayed far from their most glaring influences. This record is beyond fun and incredibly positive and upbeat.

Don't let the vibe of the record throw you off though. There are some words that need to be heard even if they're just reinforcing what we already know. A record like this will always appeal to me, they could make 10 more EP's sounding exactly like this over the next 10 years and they would probably all find their way into my year ending top 10 lists. One more thing. The drumming on this record absolutely shreds.

7. Shook Ones/Easel - Split EP

The three Shook Ones songs on this split are probably my favorite stuff they've released to date. That's saying something considering how much i like Sixteen and Facetious Folly Feat. The opening track Order Form is classically catchy, the way the vocals bend and twist with the music is really fun to listen to. They cover the song Bad Year originally by Seaweed to finish off their side of the split and do more than an admirable job.

The Easel side of this split is great musically but i don't speak Japanese so it's a little hard to understand the lyrics. Other than that minor detail i really like this band. They sound a lot like early Lifetime, not as good but pretty close and that's good enough.

8. Smoke or Fire - This Sinking Ship

Above This City was one of my favorites in '05 so i was eagerly awaiting This Sinking Ship. With this record Smoke or Fire don't stray too far from their previous material. It's a little more mature in the lyric department and maybe a 1/2 step slower. I don't know if it's better but it certainly isn't a regression.

Being on Fatwreck it's pretty easy to predict what this band will be about. It's melodic punk with socially and politically conscious lyrics. There are some things that don't need to change and this is formula that works great for Fatwreck and a lot of the bands they work with.

If Smoke or Fire can up to this level for records to come they'll be another band added to an already stacked list of great Richmond punk bands.

9. The Swellers - My Everest

I decided to give this record a chance when i heard there was a bunch of young kids playing melodic skate/pop punk. I had put off checking these guys out for a long time , i guess i was doubting that kids barely out of high school could reach back a decade or so and play the stuff i grew up listening to.

I'm really happy i gave this record a chance, not only do these guys play this style, they excel at it. It may be a little too polished at times and there are a couple acoustic tracks i could do without but the bulk of this record is so much fun to listen to. I'm glad kids are still playing this style and not letting it be too watered down and just become plain old pop punk. These kids can shred, here's to hoping they keep it up.

10. Career Suicide - Attempted Suicide

This is what hardcore punk is. It's what it started as and there will always be a place for it. These Toronto dudes are taking it back more than a few years and with Attempted Suicide they do it with unrelenting precision.

I can't stress how much this record rips from start to finish. It doesn't relent one bit. Compared to their earlier material it isn't much different it's just a lot more precise, it's probably the most in sync record of the year in that regard. I can't even think when i listen to this record, it puts me in a state of paralysis.

Honorable Mention:
  • Sinking Ships - Ten EP
  • I Rise - Down EP
  • Down To Nothing - The Most
  • Soul Control - Involution
  • Modern Life Is War - Midnight In America
  • Justice - Escapades
  • Allegiance - Desperation
  • A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide
  • In Stride - Place of Decay EP
  • Ruiner- Prepare to Be Let Down
  • Ambitions - Stranger
  • To The Lions - Baptism of Fire
  • Only Crime - Virulence
  • Strung Out - Black Hawks Over Los Angeles
  • The Swellers - My Everest
  • Red Handed - Wounds Remain
  • Loud and clear - Self Titled
  • Common Cause - Statement of Purpose EP
  • Circles - Demo
  • Hostage Calm - Demo
  • Blacklisted - Peace On Earth, War On Stage
  • One Voice - Break Free EP
  • Government Warning - Arrested
  • Go It Alone - Histories Single
Best Show:
Go It Alone August 23rd @ Adrift.
One of the best Toronto shows in a long while. I wrote something about, click here.

Runner Up: The First Step sometime in April @ Adrift. Not a whole lot of people were there but there was enough kids into it and TFS always bring the energy.

Best Song:
Go It Alone -
This is kind of a weird category, you can't really pick one song. But, if i had to choose right now this song would be it . The lyrics are some of the best written by the band, they give off an eerie hopefulness if that makes any sense. Musically the song builds from a slow paced hard-hitting intro into the furious pace Go It Alone kept up so well throughout everything they released. Seeing them open with this song in August was awesome, one of the highlights of this past Summer.

Best Up and Coming Band:
Hostage Calm
I wouldn't have made this category if not for the emergence of this band from the ashes of At All Costs. This band rules and their only getting better, think Ignite mixed with In My Eyes.

Best Record Not Released in 2007:
Good Riddance - Operation Phoenix
Even though this record was released 8 years ago it's words still pierce the air with an unsettling urgency. This is by far Good Riddance's most hard hitting album, it's probably their angriest and most politically motivated as well.

I could have picked any album by this band, I've found myself listening to them more and more as the year has progressed. Some albums speak to you more than others, this is an album that at times seems to speak to the core of who i am, there isn't much more meaningful than that.

Looking Forward....
I don't really know what this year holds music-wise. I don't really care, if it's good i'll hear it.

Moving away from the music front, i might start an additional blog to this one where i'll put essays and other ramblings. I want to start building the basis for something a little more substantial, that might be the place to start.

I'll be finishing my 3rd year of school and not a second too soon, i want to be finished now. Provided everything goes smoothly, and it better, i only have a total of 9 months left sitting in a classroom with surprisingly low amounts of stimulus flowing through my brain. And not because I'm brain dead.

2008 will be a better year, there was nothing glaringly wrong with 2007 but nothing went overly well either. Hopefully i'll be veering closer and closer to the potential my future holds in '08, hopefully I'm consistently doing that. I know, its stupid to judge things year by year.... what's time anyway.