Monday, June 11, 2007

Good Riddance

This band is one of my all-time favorites, a perfect blend of punk and hardcore. And i always liked that they had a bit of a 90's skate punk vibe to them at times. It's sad to see them go, but they had more than a good run. It also means more time for Only Crime, who are touring through Canada later this summer.

Here are two of my favorite records as well as their last record. I haven't given it much of a listen but from what I've heard it sounds as good as ever.

It's impossible to pick a favorite song by Good Riddance, looking at it from a musical and lyrical perspective they had so many solid songs. Whether the songs were about personal, political or social issues they were always well written and thought provoking. If i had to pick a song it would probably be "Choices Made", this could change by next week but as of this moment this song will have to do.

"Choices Made"

I'm so alone
In the darkest place I know
I'm a prisoner in my mind
And I'm searching for that light
And the faith I left behind
I've tried so hard
To look you In the eye
Time has never been a friend
And once again I've been betrayed
By the weight of what I know
And the choices that I've made
You stood so tall
And I've watched you fall
Looking on the bright side
I've known some peace
Cried on the shoulders
Of better men than me
It's going to take a lifetime
To wash away
If I want to stay clean
I've got to start today


Mike said...

Great band. I think my favorite song is Last Believer, off Moderne Rebellion...either that one or What We Have, off the Ensign split 7 inch. Both of them have great lyrics that really strike a chord deep within me.

Tyler said...

Modern Rebellion is also one of my favorite records by them. I just don't have it on vinyl.

I haven't even listened to that song What We Have more than a few times. They have so many good songs i've been distracted by.

I need to get going on my Good Riddance collection man, it's priority number # as of now.

xroldx said...

Damn 'What We Have'is an awesome song and I agree it's one of Good Riddance finest ones

Talking about Ensign what happened to them, I know they havent broke up yet and occasionly play shows, does anyone know if they're ever going to record something new?

The only missing Good Riddance record in my collection will be the last live show one, that one's gotta be good.