Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"... We Keep Warm With The Words That We Scream

It's been a while since my last post, I've been busy writing essays and waiting for my Paint it Black pre-order to come, it came today but my camera is broken so i can't show off the slick looking vinyl. I probably need to listen to it a little more before i post about it, so i'll use this post to talk about one of the most dynamic emotional hardcore records of the past few years.....

How We Are - To Teach a Hundred. I actually didn't start listening to this record until sometime last year but it's really well written modern emotional hardcore. I guess a good comparison would be their upstate New York counterparts, Another Breath. This album definitely has an upstate NY vibe to it, there's even a sentimental song about Rochester. Most of the songs are of a much different nature, they're influenced heavily by Daniel Quinn's thought provoking Novel Ishmael which, if you've read the book is given away by the title of the record. I use the word dynamic to describe this record because it really is, the guitar work is incredible and Rory VanGrol's harsh and urgent vocals seem to drive, or be driven by the quick pulsing guitar work. Couple that with exceptionally well written lyrics that carry a message most people couldn't bare the weight of and this record is something you need to hear. I also really like how the tracks on the record were organized, there are two mellowed out instrumental tracks entitled "Takers" and "Leavers". Which again if you've read Ishmael make for an almost euphoric listen. There aren't a ton of bands that have a whole lot to say and of the bands and the records that do, this record ranks up near the top. I was sad to see this band call it quits last year, but they've left a dent big enough to keep me remembering.

I couldn't write about this record without at least mentioning a little about the book it seems so inspired by. I read Ishmael this past spring and it really helped me to see the world from a different perspective. From a perspective that is removed from the hustle and bustle of modern life, kind of like an eye in the sky that doesn't see all the superficial benefits our system of living creates, but instead sees the rape and destruction of an environment and an animal kingdom that has never so much as raised a finger against humanity. For hundreds, thousands of years we've been taking and taking, never giving back, never leaving anything to quench the throats of what we've left thirsting. Reading this book and then listening to this record is like a cold slap in the face, the kind where you just stand there for a few minutes, speechless, blinking your eyes in confusion, wondering what just happened. All it takes is one idea, one spark, to teach a hundred.

Anyway here are the lyrics to the title song, i really hope the LP gets released sometime soon like its been planned.

To Teach A Hundred

With split lips, shin-splints and sore throats.
With words constantly begging revision.
With all our desires, dressed in our basements best.
So anyone that ever wanted change could hear a voice that sounded the same as theirs.
The question has never been whether or not hope would remain,
but if we can gather enough in our hands to match the fire in our lungs.

We keep time with songs on repeat.

We keep warm with the words that we scream.
Hope is a crutch.
Push your desires.
Our words are fire.
To teach a hundred.


Mike said...

What sick looking Paint it Black vinyl? If you tell me that you got the blue/green swirl, I'm going to break down and cry.

Tyler said...

Hahaha. You will have to wait and see until i make my post about it... sometime next week. I'm looking forward to seeing which pressings you got.