Tuesday, August 01, 2006


21.. i feel so old.. haha. my birthday was last sunday. Everyone keeps asking me how it feels to be 21. It feels good knowing i have my whole life ahead of me. I feel optimisitc but at the same time i'm my own harshest critic so im not taking anything for granted. its frustrating seeing people wasting their lives away on nothing, especially those closest to you. Being so young and having all the opportunity i could ask for it would be ignorant and selfish of me not to reach for the sky. I think its more a matter of finding who you really are and finding your passion, something that drives you like nothing else can. For me it's music and a desire to see the world change. those two things are so often intertwined that it becomes sort of cliche. But i still think that there are few things more powerful than music with a compelling message. In light of that, i got a preview of the new Have Heart "The Things We Carry" One of the songs is titled "The Unbreakable" and it's amazing:

He was a kind hearted man in a hateful world. And he caught everything that life ever hurled. Like the oldest mountain he always stood so tall. Forever showing what it means to be unbreakable. Paycheck to paycheck, three jobs a day. He's the ransom for his family's pain. In the coldest world with the warmest heart. He puts to shame what you consider hard. He's the man that you don't see in the mirror. While the world was screaming death, he chose a different song to hear. He's the band that's playing while the ship sinks. The song of hope forever sings. He taught the sun to shine. Now please teach this son to shine. How can this world never break your warm heart in this frigid fucking place? You're like the river: always flowing and growing, never changing, rearranging. How can this world never take your solid stance in these turbulent times? You're like the tree in the burning forest that never was burned down. And what he said to me was this:"Just love the world that won't love you back" Old man take a look at my life, I'm nothing like you are. Take a look at my life, I'm so very fucking far. From the person I aspire to be. Unbreakable.


GI Kate said...

Happy Birthday!!!! (i know im late)

Tyler said...

haha thanks..i gave a late notice so it's my fault.

Mike said...

Happy birthday, dude. Ha ha...21 and already thinking you're old. Staying in touch with hardcore and keeping that positive outlook will keep you feeling young for many, many more years. I'm turning 36 in a few days...wife and two kids...and yet I still don't feel old. Many people that I know that are my age just seem so much older than me...not really grasping much of the joys in life and already settling into a rut and taking shit way too serious. Me? I'm going to stay young until I die. :)

Mike said...

Oh yeah, and that Have Heart record is amazing. It even exceeded my high expectations.