Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot ... i wish i was cool enough to attend that.

This is ridiculous. It's a little un-nerving to know that people like this exist all over the world. Maybe they exist more densley in area's such as the area the cotenxt of the article is based on. but still, i mean its a gun. It's sole purpose is to violently tear through human flesh with the intent of killing or severly injuring the individual lucky enough to be shot with one. Maybe its just a cultural thing. I just think guns are useless, but then again if i lived in a constant state of fear and accepted a government that whole heartedly embraces and exprots violence to all corners of the world, maybe i would be a little "gun crazy" too. Alot more can be said on this issue, but i think the article deos fair enough justice.

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