Sunday, December 17, 2006

Raise Your Flag To The Wolves?

Final Fight is a band that i really enjoy musically, for the most part. Sometimes i find they get overly melodic and it can take away from the intensity of the music. But overall i dig their brand of melodic hardcore.

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I've always found this band intriguing, from the stories i've heard about them to the weird designs and concepts they use on some of their merch. Lyrically its hard to tell what perspective the singer is writing from. He writes intelligent, thought provoking lyrics but they seem to be pretty abstract and more diversified than most other hardcore bands.

I've been listening to thier split with Life Long Tragedy recently released on Deathwish. I can't figure out what the singer is trying to get at with these lyrics. He's obviously referencing the effects of intoxicants in one way or another. I've read this a few times now, these two quotes stick out. "raise your flag to the wolves" and "seek comfort in your den" i don't know what they mean and im probably over analyzing this.

Friday night, this is the party night! Such the perfect night, to stay separated from our minds Ten yards away is the drunken clamor, of pacified suburbanites (Bottles clanking, fives slapping, senses numbing) Josh is above the disconnect, and privilege that plague our times That plague our times Raise your flag to the wolves A fire in celebration to him and in rage For all the people swallowed whole and ignored Tagged "scary" by precious daddy's girls Left in fields to crack in the sun Like a wolf of neglect, seek comfort within your den


xroldx said...

To be honest I've never paid too much attention to this band bit I will check them out.

Tyler said...

I didn't give them much attention until this past summer. Check them out via myspace and listen to the song i posted here.