Saturday, March 22, 2008

Looking For Gold

This winter weather is really starting to bother me, i think having to bike nearly everyday in it is the primary reason why but mostly anybody would be sick of the winter we've had this year. It's supposed to be spring and it feels like January and has for most of the past month. The area of the city i live in looks like Chernobyl in the winter. I braved the cold and went to Hits & Misses today intending to pick up a repress of the Adolescents self titled LP, i didn't have much money to spend so i wasn't planning on looking around much. But before i headed for the A's i decided to check out the used section to see if anything new had come in, after flipping through a few records i found Outlast's "As Sure As I Live" LP. I've come to really enjoy this band and was not expecting to find this LP anywhere so needless to say, i picked it up.

As far as i know this was this Outlast's final release, i think it was a compilation of a previous 10" and a previous 7" which would explain why the recording is different on some songs than others. I know I've talked about this record numerous times on here but the more i listen to it the more i appreciate how sincere and emotional it is, I'm really looking forward to putting this record on the turntable and sitting down with the lyric insert and finally getting a chance to get more in touch with the message behind the music. As much as I've listened to this band my searches to find their lyrics online have mostly resulted in futility and considering the vocals are hard to understand outside of some of the sing-a-longs, chances are my obsession with this band will reach a fervent level.

There's also an insert which seems to be some sort of letter, I'm guessing written by the singer, about the band and what it meant to him, how he felt it was a way of using creativity to make a difference. I haven't read it all yet but it seems to venture off in to some sort of discussion about life and it's purposes and how to go about fulfilling them. It's a cool thing to see a band do and it's nice to know the songs I've been listening to all this time were born out of something more substantial.

I've had a hard time finding much out about this band, if anyone knows much about them or where i can pick up anymore of their music let me know.

Anyway, after i left the record store i got a call from a friend from elementary school i hadn't seen in at least 10 years. We had been planning on hanging out so we went and ate some Thai food, talked about how things change and just life in general. We actually have quite a bit in common which is a bit ironic considering i used to be into playing hockey and acting obnoxious and she used to be into books. It's weird how time changes.


Mike said...

Man, I agree with you on this weather. We do a basketball league here at work, and we are supposed to start in a week, yet the forecast is calling for more snow tomorrow. Uggg. Enough already.

I've been meaning to pick up that Adolescents album for about a year now. Great record, yet each month I seem to have other albums that take priority over buying that one.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice to read that you liked our band. I´m karl, played guitar. If theres something you wanna know just mail me!

Best Wishes, Karl

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Forgot to write my mail adress...
